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In today’s relentlessly complex landscape, Leaders face challenges that are often beyond their current level of capability. How, then, can they be effective and succeed?


Strengths-based Leadership optimises the effectiveness of an organization by continuously developing the strengths of its people. Strengths-based Leadership is based on the belief that Leaders, at all levels of the organization, can maximize the potential for growth by focussing on their own and their peoples’ strengths rather than fixing weaknesses. Our interventions assist Leaders in sharpening their inner and outer game, building greater capacity that enables them to deliver results not only for themselves, but also influence others to become more of who they could be. 


Leadership Development


Adaptive Leadership

Adaptive Leadership:

Leadership in turbulent times requires higher order capabilities: it’s not about building new skill-sets, but about fostering a new mind-set: one that can navigate complexity and do more with less. 


Adaptive Leadership is the key to fostering this new mind-set. Adaptive leaders have a unique perspective and approach to challenges. These are not in-born capabilities, but can be acquired with guidance and effort. We partner with our clients to develop Adaptive leaders.

Leader as Coach

Leader as Coach:

Leaders wear multiple hats: one of them is to manage their peoples’ day-to-day performance. Another is to guide their development, so they continue to deliver sustained results. While most Leaders are comfortable managing performance, they are less clear about how to develop people in real time.


Leader as Coach is a powerful way to embed people development in organizational life by integrating coaching skills into leadership style. It enables systematic improvement in the competencies every organization needs.

Persuasive Leadership Decisions and Leveraging Polarities

Persuasive Leadership Decisions and Leveraging Polarities:

Leaders often need to make critical decisions in order to survive, while painfully learning how to deal with change. Problems that arise in these environments are not solved with an Either/Or approach. These ‘problems’ actually show up not as problems, but as ‘Polarities’ (also known as Paradox). The way Polarities are to be managed is very different from the way problems are to be solved.


We provide Leaders a practical method to harness the energy of Polarities to create superior outcomes, build value, differentiate themselves and develop competitive advantage.

Conscious Leadership for Women Leaders

Conscious Leadership for Women Leaders:

Women leaders play a significant role in transforming organizations, communities and society itself. When male and female leadership principles operate on equal terms, exceptional results are achieved. The reality, however, is that in today’s context, the male leadership style is prevalent.


Our Programs enhance women leaders’ leadership quotient and provide them insights to make purposeful choices to expand their impact. They integrate feminine and masculine values for balanced and powerful leadership.

Powerful Executive Presence

Powerful Executive Presence:

Powerful Executive Presence is about creating an ‘inside-out’ dynamic that strengthens Leaders, engages clients and employees and fast-tracks organizational initiatives. It’s not just about appearing confident, but about cultivating personal balance, more effective ways of thinking, and alignment and positivity under pressure. 


We facilitate exploration of the tangibles and intangibles of personal presence that impact  interactions with multiple stakeholders. Self-reflection, communication skills and establishing rapport through listening and empathy are some of the areas covered in our Programs.

High Potential:

Positive Deviance

High Potential - Positive Deviance:

In almost every challenging situation, there are some people who, with exactly the same resources and circumstances as everyone else, are consistently and significantly more successful than the norm. These out-performers are deviant in a positive direction: their ability to see and do things differently sets them apart from the rest.


We identify and distil the ‘secret sauce’ of these positive deviants to help the organization raise its performance ceiling. Winning strategies and behaviours become accessible to people across the board, providing them the opportunity to raise their game in real-time.

Story-telling for Inspired Leadership

(or Storification for Inspired Leadership)

Story-telling for Inspired Leadership (or Storification for Inspired Leadership):

Stories shape the culture of an organization. When leaders connect their people to inspirational stories of performance, contribution and service, they make culture a competitive advantage. A story-driven approach to culture change helps leaders engage people’s hearts and minds in a compelling narrative that overcomes resistance and inertia.


We mine the organization for stories that give context to the journey, connect people to purpose, and shape behaviours around organisational values. Our approach builds story-telling capability for a positive learning environment and equips leaders to champion the culture, role model its values and create powerful engagement with their people.

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